Access Microsoft Dynamics AX 7 Instances

Access Microsoft Dynamics ‘AX 7’ Instances


Accessing the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ cloud instance through Remote Desktop

Some cloud environment can be accessed both as a Dynamics ‘AX 7’ end user as well as a Dynamics ‘AX 7’ developer. The Dynamics ‘AX 7’ developer gets access to the system through remote desktop credentials. The remote desktop credentials are obtained from the Environment page on the LCS project site (see image above).

  1. Click the VM name.
  2. Use the local Administrator user name and password shown to connect to the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ cloud VM through Remote Desktop. You can reveal the password by clicking on the ‘eye’ icon.

After you log on to the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ environment through Remote Desktop, and you want to access the local Dynamics ‘AX 7’ application from the browser, use the same base URL that you use to access the application from a remote machine. This is obtained from LCS as described in the previous section.

VM running on-premises

A Dynamics ‘AX 7’ environment VHD is made available for download from LCS so that it can be set up on a local machine. This system is meant to be accessed as a Dynamics ‘AX 7’ developer.

Using Hyper-V manager, create a local Virtual Machine (VM) from the downloaded VHD. It is preferred to give your VM the recommended 16 gigabytes of memory and 2 virtual processors. Do not use dynamic memory allocation.

Running the Virtual Machine (VM) locally

Here are the steps needed to run the virtual machine (VM) from Hyper-V Manager.

    1. To start the VM, click Start.
    2. To open the VM in a window, click Connect.
    3. Click the Ctrl+Alt+Delete button on the toolbar. The VM receives most keyboard commands, but Ctrl+Alt+Delete is not one of these. Therefore, you must use the button or a menu command.
    4. Log on to the VM by using the following credentials:
      • User Name: Administrator
      • Password: pass@word1
        Tip: You can resize the VM window by changing the screen resolution. Right-click the desktop in the VM, and then click Screen resolution. Choose a resolution that works well for your display.
    5. Optional, provision the administrator user. For more information, see the next section.
    6. Start the Dynamics AX Batch Manager Service. This is needed if you’re running batch jobs or workflows.
      • Open and run a command prompt as an administrator.
      • Type net start DynamicsAxBatch and then press Enter.
        You can also start the service from the Services window.

Provisioning the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ administrator user

In order to access Dynamics ‘AX 7’ as a developer, you need to be an administrator on the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ instance. You can use the default Dynamics ‘AX 7’ administrator or you can provision your own credentials. We recommend that you provision your own credentials as some features, like performance testing for example, are functional only after you run the administrator provision tool (see below).

The default Dynamics ‘AX 7’ administrator which the VHD is pre-configured with is:

To provision your own credentials as a Dynamics ‘AX 7’ administrator, run the administrator provisioning tool provided on the desktop and provide your email address (AAD credentials) in the tool.

  1. On the desktop, run the ‘AX 7’ User Provisioning tool (right-click and run as Administrator).
  2. Enter you email address and click Submit.

Base URL of the local Dynamics ‘AX 7’ application

After the user is provisioned as an administrator, the user can access the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ instance on the machine by navigating to this base URL:

Location of ‘AX 7’ packages, source code, and other AOS configurations

On a Dynamics ‘AX 7’ VM, you can find most of the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ application configuration by opening the web.config file of the AOSWebApplication.

  1. Open Internet Information Service (IIS).
  2. Go to Sites > AOSWebApplication.
  3. Right-click and select Explore, this will open File explorer.
  4. Find the web.config file and open it in Notepad (or another text editor).
  5. The following keys are of interest to many developers and administrators:
    • Aos.MetadataDirectory – This key points to the location of the ‘AX 7’ packages folder that contains ‘AX 7’ platform and application binaries as well assource code (Source code is only available on development environments.)
      • Typical values are: c:\packages\ , <Any drive>:\packages\ or I:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory.
    • DataAccess.Database – This key holds the name of the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ database.
    • Aos.AppRoot – This key points to the root folder of the AOS web application.

Redeploying or restarting the Dynamics ‘AX 7’ runtime on the VM

To restart the local Dynamics ‘AX 7’ runtime and redeploy all Dynamics ‘AX 7’ packages:

  • Open File Explorer and go to C:\CustomerServiceUnit.
  • Right-click AOSDeploy.cmd and run as Administrator.

This process may take a while to complete. The process completes when the cmd.exe window closes.

If you simply want to restart the AOS (without redeploying), run iisreset from an Administrator command prompt or restart the AosWebApplication from Internet Information Services (IIS).



  1. Can we add more than one user, or is the provisioned administrator account the only one that can access the system? We would like to have a couple developers be able to access this, instead of deploying another VM for each developer that needs access. Thanks!


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